This new process opens a new era in the tube production.
The LINEAR CAGE FORMING system is the result of many years of experience and knowledge in the tube field. This method brings undisputed advantages in terms of flexibility, production capability and cost reduction.
The innovation consists in the possibility to produce any tube in any size, included into the mill range, without roll change and in few minutes with an extreme reduction in set up time.
Compared to the traditional production process, this method is completely automatic and set up operations are easy, accurate and fast.
This tube forming system, developped and realized by Olimpia 80, makes use of the newest technologies which allow to vary the diameters of the tubes to be produced without any changing of the rolls. It is a unique and compact system consisting of 8 sequential stations operating as breakdown, to correctly arrange the tube for the welding station.
The 96 independent axes, operated by computerized hydraulic motors and thanks to an easy use of the operating interface system, help to reach in a quick and simple way the optimal position for the correct tube forming. The strip feeding is assured by a system of independent pinch-rolls, which are installed on the first 6 stands.
- Great flexibility and possibility of modify the tube dimension without any forming roll change for any size included into the mill size range
- Extreme reduction of mill set up time
- Elimination of cost for forming rolls
- Productivity increase and reduction of stock and relative costs
- Reduction of manpower thanks to the complete automatization of the mill operation and adjustments
- Minimal and easy maintenance
- Easy use of software for set up of any production parameter
- Display with automatic illustration of tube section for each production step
The Linear cage forming for square and rectangular tubes, developped and patented by Olimpia 80, can carry out the forming change operation in a very short time and without any replacement of rolls.
This equipment presents a great innovation compared to the past because the LINEAR CAGE FORMING SYSTEM WIYH 74 INDIPENDENT AXLES IS APPLIED TO any part of the production line: FORMING - WELDING - SIZING - STRAIGHTENING.
The line set up is, as a result, totally automatic.
Moreover, the square or rectangular shaping is directly carried out before the tube welding, with important advantages in terms of power and material cost reduction.
Complete tube mill MOD. SCF 80-200
- Great flexibility and possibility of modify the tube dimension without any roll change (in forming - welding - sizing - straightening) for any size included into the mill size range
- Extreme reduction of mill set up time
- Elimination of all cost for roll sets
- Increase of productivity and reduction of stock and relative costs
- Reduction of manpower thanks to the complete automatization of the mill operation and adjustments
- Minimal and easy maintenance
- Easy use of software for set up of any production parameter, including tube angle radius
- Display with automatic illustration of tube section for each production step
Complete tube mill mod. SCF 40-120.